
One Poem
by abeo chimeka-tisdale

& whoops how the bones confuse ache for wonder

are they not kin? same pulse of sinew & 
fertile soil. slide through thick mud. no whoops

all wet questions. lock eyes with abyss. that is how 
you taste wonder. ache is a lens. alters the 
focus of light. what are bones 

worth? depends on the bones. confuse 
absence. it has the exact ache 

of presence. slice lemon with an open cut for 
an always home. it is all ache. it is all wonder. 

abeo chimeka-tisdale is a poet from Atlanta, Georgia who loves tea, reading, and falling down research holes. They are an alumni of Anaphora Arts and In Surreal Life. They can be found sitting in pockets of sunlight or picking up an absurd number of holds from the library. @badassbeo