About Frozen Sea
What to say in something like this? Frozen Sea is excited by a wide range of poetry. We love playing tennis without the net so of course we'll consider free verse, as well as the carefully-constructed corsetry of form.
We aspire to, and work toward, anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, anti-racism, anti-misogyny, anti-transphobia, and anti-homophobia through publishing and in our personal lives.
A large part of our mission is to publish emerging poets who do not yet have, or have recently published, a full-length collection. Feel free to send work if you don’t quite fit that category—we hope to lead readers to their next favorite poets.
We have a preference for publishing queer writers, being queer ourselves.
We read for appreciation—if there's something about a poem that makes us feel envious we didn't write it, we’ll likely want to publish it.
We also publish visual art and hybrid forms, acknowledging that poetry does not have to be confined to the written word.
We like concision, compression, and brevity. Finished Antigone, married Bishop.
Omnium Gatherum Quarterly
through the Community of Writers:
No Better Revealer of Truth:
On Founding a New Journal, Frozen Sea
Good Times & Metro Silicon Valley
Ice Breaker: Mobile-friendly journal
introduces early-career poets
Mobile-Friendly Journal Frozen Sea
Introduces Early-Career Poets
Website Metrics/Readership
January 2024 – December 2024: 8,344 unique visitors and 29,080 pageviews
William Ward Butler (he/him) is the poet laureate of Los Gatos, California. He is the author of the chapbook Life History from Ghost City Press. His recent poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Bennington Review, Cherry Tree, Five Points, RHINO, Switchyard, and other journals. You can find him online at williamwardbutler.com
He is co-editor-in-chief of Frozen Sea
and manages its website.
Jackson D. Moorman (he/him) is a queer and trans poet, organizer, and nurse who lives in Oakland with his wife and their two tiny rescue mutts. You can find his most recently published work on Instagram @jacksondmoorman or on his website jacksondmoorman.com
He is co-editor-in-chief of Frozen Sea
and leads its social media and design.
Frozen Sea is based in Santa Cruz, CA
ISSN 2995-6293