
One Poem
by Chris Gylee

Stuyvesant Park
(Seven Lines for Samuel)

Samuel taught me / all the tickets, yellow

Fell in love with Bob, & fell / through golden drapes

By the sea, onto rocks / a thickset man in workman’s greens

My heart, claustrophobic / big & knuckled

I ran, gleaming purple / people gathered in the aisle

& we sang / above his groin, an appendectomy scar

Singing for Samuel & our excess energy, some / crazy fuckin’ lunatics


“Stuyvesant Park (Seven Lines For Samuel)” samples quotes from Times Square Red, Times Square Blue by Samuel R. Delany (1999)

Author photo by Óscar González

Chris Gylee (he/him, Stockport, UK 1983) is a queer writer and artist living between rural Finland and Berlin. His poems include the online collection FORTY, the micro-chapbook Ten For ‘A’ (Ghost City Press, 2024), and the short series Multiverse Listening (x 7). Chris was long-listed for the Cúirt New Writing Prize 2023. / @chrisgylee