One Poem
by Zach Goldberg
i learned to speak before i learned the script,
with effort and conjecture, spent my youth
connecting sound to what surrounded me:
a tree. a tremble. territory crossed
and captured in my waiting mouth. i thought
that el and em and en and oh were not
distinctive elements but rather one
entire phoneme formed from alphabets
so elegant, their letters littered on
my little minnow tongue. what mythic jump—
the blend and jumble blurred my elegies
with euphony, my sounds with synonyms
or symphonies, and soon enough the world
was not itself. instead, it was a word.
Zach Goldberg is a writer, educator, and arts organizer from Durham, NC. He is the author of I’d Rather Be Destroyed (Button Poetry, 2024) and the chapbook XV (Nomadic Press/Black Lawrence, 2020). His work can be found in AGNI, Pleiades, RHINO, and elsewhere. Zach is a proud co-founder of BuckSlam MN and a volunteer at Boneshaker Books. He lives on occupied Dakota land in Minneapolis, MN. @gach_zoldberg