One Poem
by Emerald GoingSnake
Santa Fe Poem
the windows were down the day
you found me opened splayed
like the figs on the glass plate in front of me
ripening sweetening my bloodstream
and it was a humid June night when the lilies
shadowed your jaw when I crawled into the forest
of your ribcage when the ceroid cacti bloomed
in a southern desert and our frozen waters
when I learned my hand feels foreign in my own hand
and still now sap drips down your face
gnats stick to our sweaty cheeks braided
in our hair during summer drought
and then there is after:
we cut a hole in the adobe roof
our legs intertwined
while the night sits
my belly burning red
wet fruit dampening
my palms
Emerald "noquisi" GoingSnake is a Cherokee and Mvskoke lesbian creative from Oklahoma. She is currently working toward a BFA in Creative Writing at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, NM.