Two Poems
by Sophie Bebeau
you can tell by my dastardly mustache
that I am about to ruin the ambiance
with another disturbing theory of magic my kink
is pharmaceuticals that discourage immolation my kink
is tying a poem up on the railroad tracks flattening
the old penny you lost on the bike path overgrown with dying
milkweed black blood weeping from your skinned knee
like an optical illusion I wish I could shake your face out of my head
tell me something you remember
pulling out your eyelashes feeding them
to the foxglove a pocket full of butterfly legs you pick your teeth with
a brass spur you slurp like a hummingbird bound
like a hound in tall grass a clumsy epiphany I make great strides
toward perspective straddling the moon between my thumb & pointer
I am getting older & running out of vocabulary I need
precisely tuned attention to witness my goodness I release
ladybugs into your garden I blow out the candles
on your birthday cake & wish for you
to never get your wish
a freight train carrying stowaway passengers stalls in a tunnel shortly after departing from Balvano, Basilicata, Italy just after midnight, with 517 dying from carbon monoxide poisoning
like us they died
without realizing
they were dying
in quiet mouthfuls
inside a mountain
dreaming of rare fruit
Sophie Bebeau is a poet from the small-town city of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Allium, Bear Review, Tinderbox, Zero Readers, Gulf Stream, and elsewhere. Her work has also been nominated for a Best of the Net award. She currently works as a freelance writer and designer. Visit her website at sophiebebeau.com and find her online @sophiebebeau on Instagram and Bluesky.